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We at KVISION are your one stop solution to all your insurance related queries. Insurance claims require specialized knowledge to reach a settlement, which we pioneer in. Our goal is to get your insurance claim settled promptly and fairly. We believe in giving individual attention for settlement of large and complicated claims. Our dedicated team works 24*7 for you.
Do you know which is the most important document in your vehicle? Of course it is your vehicle insurance. Reason being, it protects you against any loss such as financial or legal issues. Not only to comply with the requirement of keeping insurance of vehicle for RTO purpose but, also to get protected against any mishaps mentioned below. We provide package policies that would protect your vehicle against physical damage, bodily injury / death and cover against third-party liability, bringing your security and peace of mind. Not just this, our advanced claims servicing capability and fast settlement record for vehicles is what we are very well known for. Motor insurance helps you compensate your major claims which can otherwise be very expensive. We know that your vehicle is one of your most important possessions. We will help you give it the care and protection it deserves.
Loss or damage to your car due to natural calamities Fire, explosion, self-ignition or lightning, earthquake, flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, inundation, cyclone, hailstorm, frost, landslide and rockslide.
Misfortunes to your car against man-made calamities Burglary, theft, riot, strike, malicious act, accident by external means, terrorist activity, any damage in transit by road, rail, inland waterway, lift, elevator or air.
Personal Accident Coverage of Rs.2 lakh for the owner-driver of the vehicle while driving or travelling and mounting or dismounting from the Four-wheeler. Optional personal accident covers for Passenger/ Paid Driver/ driver/ insured are also available
Protection against legal liability due to accidental damages caused to the surrounding property and/ or resulting in permanent injury or death of a person.
Depreciation shield
Engine protection
Loss of keys
Return to invoice
Road side assistance
Tire and rim cover
NCB protection
Casual wear and tear.
General ageing of the insured vehicle.
Depreciation or any consequential loss are excluded.
Mechanical breakdown.
Electrical breakdown.
Wear and tear of consumables like tyres and tubes unless the vehicle is damaged at the same time, in which case the liability of the company shall be limited to 50% of the cost of replacing the damaged part.
Vehicle used otherwise than limitations as to use.
Damage by a person driving any vehicle without a valid driving license.
Damage by a person driving the vehicle under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol.
Loss or damage due to war, mutiny or nuclear risk will be excluded.